My name is Widi Asmoro.

Kesehatan mental adalah isu serius yang kita semua harus ketahui dan pahami. Pandemi yang diakibatkan virus Covid-19 telah mengguncang dunia dan saya pikir saya tidak akan mengalami krisis menghadapinya. Tapi saya salah. Saya merasa kewalahan saat menjalani hari-hari dan seakan-akan berlari dari segala masalah agar krisis ini segera usai. Saya tulis “runner’s dilemma” saat saya mencoba menghadapi krisis tersebut dan saat menjalani pemulihan. Saya harap dengan menuliskannya dan berbagi cerita ini ke khalayak ramai, saya dapat menemukan remedi bersama dengan orang-orang yang mengalami situasi serupa.


Mental Health is a very serious issue that we all need to recognise and acknowledge. The pandemic caused by Covid-19 has rocked the world to its core. I think I am safe here in Singapore. But then I feel lost. As I go about my daily life, sometimes I feel like I am running from my own problems.I wrote “runner’s dilemma” while I was struggling with this crisis of mine and during the time of my recovery. And I hope by putting it to a song and sharing it with everyone, I can find a remedy together with people who are struggling with a similar situation.

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i’m tired of running 

i’m tired of giving everything

my legs are heavy, i barely see the finish line

i can’t stop running

afraid of losing everything

i’ve tried my best but i don’t think, you understand

learn to let go

open your heart, and let it flow

to live is to keep moving (on)

to live is to keep moving (on)

oh i keep falling

oh can you see me trying

to be your best, and everything, that you want

should i keep running

‘till I don’t feel anything

hope i find, some place to land

learn to let go

open your heart, and let it flow

to live is to keep moving (on)

to live is to keep moving (on)

learn to let go

open your heart, and let it flow

to live is to keep moving (on)

to live is to keep moving (on)

run my love

you don’t need to worry


there will be another story

where no body can hurt and do you wrong 

this symphony will make you strong

you just need to move on


Songwriter : Widhi Asmoro

Co-Writer                     : Fifan Christa

Co-Writer                     : Yudhi Arfani

Co-Writer                     : Ong Jean Wei

Producer                      : Fifan Christa

Mixing and Mastering  : Fifan Christa

Dolby Atmos Engineer: Megat Sazali Bin Rohimi (SCIFI Studio)

Studio Engineer  1       : Brili Arya

Studio Engineer  2 : Muhammad Very

Vocal Recording : David “DSML” Siow

Strings Section

Cello 1 / Section Director  : Yoga Adiswara

Cello 2                               : Ami Nurzaqiyah

Violin                                 : Mega Karin

Double Bass                     : Octavianus Tri